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Hands of Fate (Veredian Chronicles Book 5) Page 10
Hands of Fate (Veredian Chronicles Book 5) Read online
Page 10
Or was it a sign that his Taint had regressed thanks to mating with a certain Veredian?
My jealousy flared with murderous intensity. Kamala’s head suddenly jerked towards me, our eyes connecting. She hadn’t been alerted to my presence by my fury, but by the tingle of the Tuning. Her emotions went from surprise, pleasure, and confused worry in quick succession. My eyes flicked to her hand still holding his arm before meeting her gaze again. Kamala looked at her hand then back at me. I sensed her hesitation and then her resolve: she didn’t remove it.
Although I sensed no guilt from her, my anger rose up a notch, further fueled by the ruggedly handsome Xelixian turning towards me. I recognized him as Sohr Tramhon, a high-ranking officer part of the inner circle of General Khel Praghan. Plenty of rumors had circulated about a romantic involvement between him and the Tuurean Kamala. Word on the street hinted that local media had offered him insane amounts of credits for an exclusive tell-all, but he’d never confirmed nor denied the rumors, leaving everyone to speculate. But memories of pictures of him dating a few years back proved he had been involved with a female with powerful oxytocin hormones as his Taint had significantly reduced.
As I observed them together, it was clear that they were Attuned: his soul vibrated at a frequency very close to Kamala’s and mine. They would have inevitably been drawn to each other. By the strength of the bond of affection my Empath senses perceived between them, there could be no doubt they had once been a couple—and might even still be. I realized my steps had led me towards them when Sohr, aggression oozing out of him, took on a protective stance in front of Kamala—which earned him an outraged glare from my mate.
The absence of possessiveness from him—or rather its very weak presence—somewhat dampened my rage; Sohr wasn’t defending his territory. His lips parted, and a pair of vicious fangs peeked between them. I was about to respond to the challenge, when Kamala placed her palm on Sohr’s shoulder in an appeasing gesture. He gave her a sideways glance, but her stare never strayed from me. The Xelixian warrior clenched his jaw but relented.
My mate approached me with measured, but confident, steps. With legs for days, the slits on each side of the mid-thigh length of her skirt put her Veredian markings on display, as did the sleeveless top of the dress. For the first time, I was seeing my mate’s lustrous, light-brown hair flowing freely on her back.
“Hello, Xevius,” Kamala said, stopping right in front of me.
My gaze flicked to Sohr, who continued to send waves of aggression my way, laced with genuine concern for my woman. Placing two fingers on the side of my jaw, Kamala forced me to face her again.
“I said hello,” my woman repeated with a stern voice. “Good manners dictate you should reciprocate.”
“Hello, my mate,” I said, staring her in the eyes before looking over her head at Sohr.
Kamala snorted. “I’m not a tree for you to piss on to mark your territory. And Sohr has much better things to do than to enter into a pissing contest with you.”
I bit back the snide remark rolling all over my tongue.
“I’ll see you later,” Kamala said to Sohr, looking at him over her shoulder. “And thanks for the ride.”
I stiffened and failed to swallow the quickly stifled growl that rose in my throat. Kamala’s head snapped back towards me, and she gave me a disbelieving look.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Kamala said with an annoyed expression. “It’s a shuttle ride, you silly male. Get a grip.”
Embarrassed by my juvenile display, I clenched my teeth, wondering where the fuck my military self-control had taken off to.
“Be safe, Kamala,” Sohr said before approaching us. He stopped right next to me, his dark eyes devoid of pupils boring into me. “As for you, Korlethean, I don’t give a shit who you are. But threaten the children again, and I’ll personally fuck you up.”
He flashed his fangs at me—whose venom could deal an excruciating death in seconds—then walked away before I could respond.
“Look at you already making friends,” my woman said, tauntingly.
I bared my teeth at her, which made her laugh, the delightful sound washing over me in a gentle, soothing caress. Despite her annoyance, I could feel her pleasure of being with me. That soothed me further. I couldn’t fault her for having a past, but the precariousness of our situation made me even more territorial.
I fought the urge to fist her hair and claim her mouth—too many eyes had been drawn by that little confrontation. Instead, I took her hand and led her after me down the entrance stairs and to the adjacent building, which contained the underground parking and shuttle bay. I interlaced our fingers. She didn’t balk as we walked silently towards my personal shuttle.
Kamala had known she’d find me here. I believed her surprise at seeing me at the entrance derived more from the speed at which my meeting had ended. I didn’t doubt for a moment that someone had alerted her or General Praghan of the presence of a Korlethean in the Council Hall. Call it arrogance, but I knew she’d come here for me.
With much reluctance, I released her hand when we came in sight of the sleek shuttle. Tapping a few instructions on the interface of my short-range scanner, cleverly camouflaged in the sleeve of my jacket, I performed a quick scan and diagnostic of the vehicle to make sure it hadn’t been tampered with in my absence. Kamala didn’t comment but watched in silence. It took seconds before the screen displayed the all clear. I tapped the command to open the doors and wrapped my arm around my woman’s slender waist while the ramp lowered. Kamala leaned against me, and I tightened my hold, loving the feel of her.
The delicate scent of the fruity shampoo she’s used tickled my nose, making me want to rub my face against the silky length of her hair. And another aroma, more subtle, lurking beneath it, made my mouth water. It was her natural scent, slightly sweet and spicy, but somehow enhanced, which ignited the flame of my desire.
We climbed the ramp together. The door closed behind us, shutting out the rest of the world. For the next little while, there would be no Korlethea, no Titans, no prophecies or propaganda; just the two of us.
As soon as the door closed behind us, I shoved Xevius against it. He didn’t stumble or scramble to catch himself, but flowed gracefully with it, drawing me effortlessly into his embrace as his back hit the door. My lips met his with burning hunger, and my mate responded in kind. One hand fisting my hair, his other roamed feverishly over my body before settling on the curve of my bum, pressing me against him.
I’d started my season during the night. Rotten timing indeed. For the next three weeks, I would be in a constant state of heat, fiercely territorial, and turn violently aggressive in a heartbeat. Despite drinking two large cups of Rehmannia tea, which kept my temper and hormones in check, one look at my gorgeous mate had me instantly hot and bothered. Without the tea, the Goddess only knew what a spectacle I might have given the Councilors and constituents visiting the Council Hall. The media would have had a field day recording a Veredian ravishing a Korlethean on the very steps of the legislative seat of Xelix Prime.
But for now, all that mattered was the deliciously sweet taste of his lips, his hard body against mine, and his possessive hands holding me tightly. I loved the dominant way in which he fisted my hair, giving my scalp a nice little sting. There was something primal about it that excited me. Despite that, he didn’t try to make me submit, and that turned me on even more. Our tongues battled as equals, taking and giving, charging then yielding.
My fingers impatiently released the magnetic clasps of his leather jacket, annoyed to find a tight t-shirt underneath it. I all but ripped out the hem from his pants to finally claim my prize. His skin felt feverish beneath my palms as they explored the well-defined grooves of his muscular chest.
Xevius growled, the sound halfway between a moan and a frustrated groan. Both of his hands slipped beneath the short length of my skirt to rest his palms on my rear. My mate lifted me
up, spun us around, and slammed my back against the metal door. The impact resounded straight into my nether region, which began to throb with eager anticipation. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he pressed his stiffening shaft against my core. Although still confined inside his leather pants, I could feel his hardness rubbing me just the right way through the thin fabric of my thong. Xevius licked the Veredian markings along my shoulders, sending yet another bolt of lust straight to my core, then bit the skin in the crook of my neck.
Moisture pooled between my thighs. I almost willed him to tear off my underwear and ram himself home to sate my aching need. But through the haze of desire, reason prevailed. Just as his lips trailed a path back up to mine, I grabbed his hair and yanked his head back. Xevius hissed and leveled me with his golden eyes full of want, his labored breath fanning on my neck.
Seeing him struggle to control his hunger for me almost shattered my resolve. I had no problem taking my pleasures when and where I saw fit, with a male of my choosing. But Xevius was neither a fling, nor a means to scratch an itch. I wanted both for him to fuck me into next week, and for me to ride his cock until he begged for mercy. But before we crossed that line, we had some serious issues to resolve.
“You, Sehr, make me want really bad things,” I whispered, my inner walls contracting spasmodically from unfulfilled need.
Without breaking eye contact, Xevius leaned forward, his lips almost brushing against mine. “Sometimes, being bad can be extremely good.”
One arm wrapped around his neck, I brushed his hair away from his face and rested my palm on his cheek. “Between us, it definitely could be,” I said, trying to ignore the burning swirl of desire in the pit of my stomach.
“No, Fehama. Between us, it will be.”
He captured my lips with his, preventing me from answering. Although his shaft remained erect against my sex, the kiss was brief and tender. Xevius’s obvious reluctance as he set me back down on my feet almost made me regret stopping us from going too far. To my surprise, my mate tugged on my skirt to properly cover me, and then his gaze lingered on my right shoulder. Intrigued, I gave it a glance, not noticing anything abnormal. His fingers traced the Veredian markings there in response to my unspoken question, making me shudder with pleasure.
“They’re darker and more sensitive,” Xevius said.
“It’s normal. Our markings always darken when we are aroused,” I said, matter-of-factly.
It surprised me that he wouldn’t know that fact. After all, he’d been held in a breeding compound for a year, forced to lay with some of my Sisters, a thought I didn’t wish to be reminded of. Worse still, I hated the possibility that he might have sired some of our young Sisters since he’d been in the compounds at the same time Amalia was conceived.
“Yes, but they were already darker before I even touched you,” Xevius said, looking like he was trying not to touch them again. “Your scent is also different—sweeter, even more enticing than usual. Are you in heat, my mate?”
My cheeks burned to have him put it so bluntly. “It’s called season,” I said, lifting my chin.
The molten gold of Xevius’s eyes darkened, and his face took on a predatory expression that had my panties soaking wet, my stomach flip-flopping with lust, and my Veredian markings tingling with anticipation. I could tell his instincts were screaming for him to throw me onto the floor and fuck me raw, until he filled me with his seed. The animal part in me wanted to dare him to proceed.
He grabbed my hand so suddenly, a small gasp of surprise escaped me. Pulling me after him, he led me to the navigator seat next to the pilot seat of the small shuttle which could only carry either six passengers or four people and some small cargo at the back. I settled in the comfortable, beige leather seat. Xevius discarded his leather jacket onto one of the passenger seats before sitting in the pilot’s chair. As soon as he started the engines, our security belts automatically wrapped around us.
Moments later, we cleared the heavy doors of the shuttle bay and were airborne. The gleaming, tall, white buildings of Capital District’s city center soon faded behind us. The smaller, residential homes occupying its outskirts becoming few and far between, giving way to the beautiful wilderness of Xelix Prime with its beige grass, colorful tree leaves with dominant colors of dark greens, navy blues, and deep yellows. The tinted glass of the shuttle dampened the glaring brightness of Xelix Primes two suns, hanging high in the light green sky. It always struck me as strange how flat the landscape of the planet turned out to be.
“Are you still involved?” Xevius asked in a soft voice, breaking the comfortable silence we’d been flying in for the past few minutes.
I gave him a sideways glance, but he kept staring straight ahead through the windshield. In light of his earlier territorial display, the apparent lack of tension in both his voice and body language threw me.
“No. We formally ended our two-year relationship eleven months ago,” I said truthfully.
“Why?” he asked, his tone remaining conversationally neutral.
“We’d reached the point where it was either commit all the way or part ways,” I said, remembering that long conversation in the atrium of the Tempest, the Tuurean battlecruiser that I now commanded in Aleina’s stead. “Sohr is a wonderful man and would make an amazing father. He loves me, and I love him.”
This time, Xevius turned to look at me, but still, his expression gave away nothing of his thoughts.
“Those feelings are not surprising—you are Attuned to each other,” Xevius said, matter-of-factly.
I shrugged. “That’s what Eryon said. Except, Attuned doesn’t necessarily mean soulmate. We love each other, but we’re not in love with each other. We’ve seen Amalia and her mates, Aleina and Ghan, Valena and Zhul, Maheva and Minh… Despite our mutual feelings, we want the same spark that all of them have found with their true mate. So, we agreed to end it. As long as we remained together, we couldn’t seek out the ones the Goddess had created specifically for us.”
Xevius nodded slowly and turned back to look ahead. “I am glad you waited, Fehama. And thank you for your candor.”
I gazed at his noble profile, relieved at the wise, but difficult choice Sohr and I had made at the time. Mercy had just announced her second pregnancy with her Braxian husband. It had sparked the conversation about Sohr and me having a child of our own. Sohr would have insisted but, deep down, he knew that I had already decided to wait for my soulmate.
“Xevius,” I called out.
He turned to give me a questioning look.
“Whatever may or may not come to pass between you and me, Sohr is a very dear friend to me. Nothing, and no one, will ever get in the way of that.”
“Duly noted,” he said in a conciliatory tone, a strange smile playing on his lips.
It struck me once more how incredibly handsome my mate was. “You know,” I said pensively. “Maybe I should be the one worrying about Sohr.”
“Oh?” Xevius asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “Do tell.”
“Like many Xelixians, Sohr equally likes males and females, although I believe he likes males more. If he and I are Attuned, that means both of you also can. If you ever get on his good side, he might very much want to get on yours,” I said teasingly.
Xevius burst out laughing. I loved its powerful sound, the way it made his shoulders bounce, as well as his long, golden hair. And above all, I loved the way it softened his features and made his eyes sparkle. My mate was a living work of art. I could gaze upon him forever and never tire.
“Maybe I should pursue him instead, then,” Xevius said, a taunting glimmer in his eyes. “I did notice he had quite the brawny, muscular body, and a pleasant face to go with it. Not to mention those sexy fangs he was so kind to bare for me… I rather enjoy getting bitten and, from the word on the street, one of the Xelixians’ two venoms actually acts as some kind of aphrodisiac.”
“Mmhmm,” I said with a nod, images of me biting my mate’s scrumptious body fla
shing through my mind. “It’s not quite an aphrodisiac. But it is quite mind-blowing when it courses through your veins in just the right dose and at just the right time.”
“You’re making this sound very tempting,” he said, his voice dipping into a deep, purring tone.
“Go ahead,” I said with a shrug. “I’d certainly enjoy the show.” And to my shock, I had to admit I probably would. And yet, I hated the thought of other hands on my man. “But then, I might cut your balls off after the fact. I don’t share,” I added when his brows shot up.
He chuckled. “Good. Because nor do I.”
A content silence settled again between us. I absentmindedly gazed upon a pack of wild animals running through the woods. So many questions swirled around my mind, but each seemed too premature to ask until our relationship was on firmer ground.
Xevius frowned and cast a sideways glance at me as if he’d sensed my unspoken need. “What is it, Fehama?” he asked.
I shook my head. “Nothing.”
It felt too odd asking about his parents, if he had siblings, his youth on Korlethea, what made him want to join the Imperial Agents, and to tell me about his hopes and dreams for the future.
“You can ask me anything, Kamala. As long as it doesn’t endanger Korlethea, I will answer truthfully.”
Not wanting to delve into personal matters, I was going to ask him the main question that had brought me to see him at the Council Hall when I realized which direction we were flying in.
“This is not the way to your house,” I blurted out.
“It is the way to my new house,” he casually answered as we passed yet another ryspak orchard. “While on that subject, do not go back to that house. You will not find me there.”
For some reason, that stung.